Why Should You Visit New York? July 13 2014

1)      Why not?

2)      You can survive eating 1 dollar slice pizza all day long!

3)      Taxi driver are rude, but… Come on!!! It's like to be in a movie!!

4)      Did you watch Sex and the City? Forget about it.

5)      You can meet a Superhero!

6)      A Superhero can save your life!

7)      Isn’t it a magic place for a marriage proposal?

8)      Isn’t it a magic place to break out of a long-term relationship?

9)      Isn’t it a magic place?

10)   Rents are too damn high, you cannot afford living in New York. So just visit!

11)   Did you hear about the Nightlife guru? You should meet him and ask why to visit New York.

12)   But be careful, he can steal your girlfriend.

13)   The Katz’s Delicatessen pastrami sandwich is pure heaven!

14)   Mobsters gonna kill you!

15)   MoMa is the best museum in the world.

16)   You will post on Instagram your best pictures ever

17)   …and you won’t  use a filter

18)   Subway is open 24 hours

19)   Deli are open 24 hours

20)   Wait, wait, wait! Is that rat bigger than my dog?